
Lisa Topolnik

Professor at the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bio-informatics in Univ. Laval, Canada

‘Inhibitory neurons who only talk to other inhibitory neurons’


Dr. Topolnik is researcher at the Neuroscience Unit of the Quebec CHU Research Center and professor at the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bio-informatics of Laval University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering. She began her academic career at Laval University in 2007 as an assistant professor, and played a major role in the development of multidisciplinary research at Laval University by taking a part in the international school Frontiers in Neurophotonics. She is a recipient of the University Faculty Award for Women in Science from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the UNESCO/TWAS Expert Award for advancement of science in developing countries.

Dr. Topolnik’s research program focusses on the cellular and synaptic mechanisms involved in the coordination and processing of information by the cortical circuits. A central theme of her research has been on understanding the functional organization of hippocampal GABAergic inhibitory circuits by establishing the connectivity between specific interneuron types, the mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and interneuron network function in relation to hippocampal memory as well as dysfunction in relevant disorders.


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Friss Hírek


Karikó Katalin, az SZTE Nobel-díjas kutatóprofesszora szegedi látogatását színesítette az a rendhagyó növényismereti óra, amit a Füvészkertben tartottak a Szegedi Tudományegyetem hallgatóinak. Az egyetem legújabb díját alapító kutatónő a tanóra után megismerkedett azokkal a botanikai ihletésű kerámiaszobor-tervekkel is, amelyek a Tudós nők ösvényét díszítik majd. Karikó Katalin a kukorica szimbólumot választotta magának.